Vol. 30 No. 33 (2022): Brazilian Journal of Ultrasonography

					View Vol. 30 No. 33 (2022): Brazilian Journal of Ultrasonography

SBUS has always believed and invested in the power of knowledge, in the importance of encouraging scientific research to achieve a more competitive, advanced and fair Brazil. Acting in a manner consistent with its principles, SBUS spares no effort and has done its part, promoting and/or supporting the most varied scientific events, including seminars, courses, meetings and congresses. from October 26th to 29th, we will resume the face-to-face format of the two largest USG events in Brazil, the 26th SBUS Brazilian Ultrasonography Congress and the 18th FISUSAL International Ultrasonography Congress.
The Brazilian Journal of Ultrasonography – RBUS, widely known as Revista Azul, is part of this story that seeks, ultimately, to increasingly scientifically train Brazilian ultrasonographers so that we can offer even more humanized and quality care to our patients.

Published: 2022-09-01

Case Report