Vol. 30 No. 32 (2022): Brazilian Journal of Ultrasonography

					View Vol. 30 No. 32 (2022): Brazilian Journal of Ultrasonography

The year 2021 was scientifically very productive at SBUS, evidencing, once again, our commitment to the scientific quality and continuing education of the Brazilian sonographer. We held another successful edition of the Brazilian Congress of USG; the International Web Symposium on Fetal Medicine, in partnership with SOBRAMEF; three federated events; more than 40 webinars; the proof of qualification in USG from SBUS; we launched two scientific books, in addition to carrying out scientific and social campaigns. All scientific events complying with the strictest preventive measures against Covid-19 recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The Revista Brasileira de Ultrasonografia – RBUS, our Revista Azul, the main tool for publicizing USG scientific research in the country, won two new editions last year, in three languages. And this year will be one of more work, productivity and prosperity at SBUS. To this end, we count on your participation in these pages that contribute decisively to the sharing of knowledge and the appreciation of Brazilian Ultrasonography.

Published: 2022-03-01


Case Report

Review Articles