Renal ultrasound system
the systematization and echographic diagnosis
ultrasonography, renal stones, hydronephrosis, renal tumorsAbstract
A renal ultrasound is a noninvasive procedure used to assess the size, location and shape of the kidneys, and related structures, such as the ureters and bladder. Knowledge of estimating kidney size is an important parameter in clinical assessment of kidney disease. This test is a simple and safe method for this evaluation in all age groups. This average varies around 10.7 for the left kidney and 10.5 for the right kidney, with variations according to gender and age. Ultrasound has an important role in diagnosis and treatment of kidney stone disease, but has its limitations. The safety and ease of the exam are insurmountable, but its accuracy is modest. It has a sensitivity of around 37-64% for detection of calculus and 74-85% for detection of acute obstruction. The hydronephrosis is detected by prenatal ultrasound with an incidence of 0.5 to 1% 6 and is the most frequent abnormality prenatally. It is associated with vesicoureteral reflux or urinary tract obstruction in 14-21%. Obstructive lesions of the genitourinary system are quite common and ultrasonography shows good accuracy for detecting such pathologies. Moreover, there are a large percentage of renal tumors that can be characterized by ultrasound. Cystic renal lesions and parenchymal solid masses can be clearly distinguished. The technical advances in Doppler grayscale and color Doppler ultrasound improved the sensitivity in detecting small renal tumors. Thus, we review the sonographic diagnosis of major disorders of the renal system.