Cornual ectopic pregnancy

a case report


  • Carolina R. Machado
  • Glauco Miranda
  • Lais L. Oliveira
  • Marcela Rassi-Cruz
  • Pryscilla M. S. Domingues
  • Waldemar N. do Amaral


amenorrhea, emergency, ectopic pregnancy, transvaginal ultrasonography, laparotomy


Cornual or interstitial gestation is defined as the gestation where the implantation of blastocyst is in the segment where tube penetrates in the uterine wall. It is a rare condition corresponding only the 1,5-2,1% of all the cases of ectopic pregnancy. The present article report a case of cornual pregnancy, the propaedeutics and the used therapeutical behavior. Patient JPM, 18 years, sexarca to the 16 years, nullipara, without morbids antecedents. It looked attendance in hospital, presenting clinical of pain in low womb has one week approximately and amenorrhea has three months. To the physical examination it presented belly limp, with light pain to the deep palpation of low womb. It was submitted to the US and posterior exploring laparotomy, being evidenced right cornual pregnancy. Cornual hysterectomy was carried through, removing the pregnancy. The patient developed without intercurrences. The told case is a rare condition of spontaneous cornual gestation, diagnosised for US and confirmed for the laparotomy. In this type of gestation, the symptomatology is similar to the other types of ectopic pregnancy being able to understand pelvic pain, amenorrhea and transvaginal bleed. The complementary examinations are indispensable for the diagnosis, since the clinic is not well characteristic. In this case that the pregnancy was diagnosised ectopic precociously, what it occurs in the minority of the cases. The treatment is surgical and in this in case that it were opted to cornual hysterectomy, in order to protect the health of the woman. The precocious diagnosis of the cornual pregnancy is basic in the reduction of the morbi-mortality of pregnant in this condition, evidencing the importance of the complementary examinations and the prenatal accompaniment.


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How to Cite

Machado CR, Miranda G, Oliveira LL, Rassi-Cruz M, Domingues PMS, Amaral WN do. Cornual ectopic pregnancy: a case report. RBUS [Internet]. 2010 Mar. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];9(12):22-4. Available from: