More common findings at prostate ultrasound
prostate, ultrasound, transrretal, age, infertilityAbstract
OBJECTIVE: Evaluate findings at prostate ultra-sound exams. METHODS: 737 results of transrretal ultrasound exams of patients with a range of age starting at 21 and ending at 83 years old has been analyzed from the data bank of a particular clinic, at Goiânia-GO. RESULTS: It was evidenced that 31.88% of the patients had presented prostate, seminal vesicles and bladder normal, and the average of age of these patients it was 56,58 years. Prostates presenting volume discrete or visibly increased, without any other alteration, had been found in 23,47% of the findings of men with average age of 59,18 years. Presence of nodules and evidences that suggest prostate adenoma had been verified in 7,3% of the examinations, and the average of age for this percentage is of 69,10 years. 1.89% of the patients, with age average of 59,22 years, had presented benign prostate hypertrophy. CONCLUSION: The relation between age and ultrasound’s findings that indicates risk of prostate cancer, revealed evident and directly proportional, proving what literature describes. Although this, the age did not constitute exclusive factor in the determination of this risk, because patients less than 50 years old had been presented findings that deserve clinical attention. It’s clear the necessity of investigating the multifactor cause of the prostatic alterations, allowing us to use efficient therapeutical methods that, allied with precocious diagnosis, made possible by exams as the transrretal ultrasound, can avoid risks for patient, like infertility, urinary incontinence or metastatic disease.
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