Fetal bone hypomineralization

case report


  • Rafaela Gil Pimentel
  • Ana Claudia Pereira Lima
  • Fernando Marum Mauad
  • Augusto Cesar Saab Benedeti
  • Jorge Garcia
  • Procópio de Freitas
  • Francisco Mauad Filho


bone mineral, dxa, growth, prematurity, osteopenia, hypomineralization


Skeletal dysmorphologies are structural defects comprising different levels of disturbances in bone formation, which can range from a state of hypomineralization, mesomelia, to more intense changes, which present similar manifestations in intrauterine life. Skeletal dysplasia is suspected when the length of the long bones is below two standard deviations of the expected for gestational age and ultrasound is a diagnostic method of high sensitivity. In conclusion the accomplishment of the ultrasound examination is important for the early detection and diagnosis of the hypomineralization and to determine its extension still in the uterus, aiding in the prognosis and planning for treatments of these children.



How to Cite

Pimentel RG, Lima ACP, Mauad FM, Benedeti ACS, Garcia J, Freitas P de, et al. Fetal bone hypomineralization: case report. RBUS [Internet]. 2019 Mar. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];27(26):31-3. Available from: https://revistarbus.sbus.org.br/rbus/article/view/195