Endometrial polyp and serous adenocarcinoma in a menopausal woman

case report


  • Shakespeare Novaes Cavalcante de Melo Schola Fértile
  • Rui Gilberto Ferreira Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)
  • Victória Franco Gonçalves Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)
  • Lívia Maria Oliveira Salviano Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)
  • Valdivina Eterna Falone Schola Fértile
  • Waldemar Naves do Amaral Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)


endometrial adenocarcinoma, hysteroscopy, diagnosis, endometrial


The endometrial polyp may become serous adenocarcinoma. Patients with abnormal uterine bleeding after menopause and with a diagnosis of endometrial polyp should be followed more frequently to detect the early malignant transformation. The earlier the diagnosis and excision of the polyp, the greater the chance of a successful treatment. We report a case of abnormal uterine bleeding of a menopausal patient, 63 years old, diagnosed with endometrial polyp by office hysteroscopy. The polyp was removed, but resolution of the bleeding was not obtained after the procedure. The conduct was the complete removal of the uterus and delivery of the specimen for anatomopathological diagnosis. The end result was serous type adenocarcinoma. The patient underwent laparoscopy to obtain a peritoneal lavage, hysterectomy, bilateral adnexectomy and biopsies of the following anatomical sites: posterior cul-desac, greater omentum, right and left iliac fossae, right and left flanks. The conclusion of peritoneal lavage was compatible with adenocarcinoma. The others were negative.



How to Cite

Melo SNC, Ferreira RG, Gonçalves VF, Salviano LMO, Falone VE, Amaral WN. Endometrial polyp and serous adenocarcinoma in a menopausal woman: case report. RBUS [Internet]. 2018 Mar. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];(24):63-6. Available from: https://revistarbus.sbus.org.br/rbus/article/view/173