Ultrasonographic aspects in endometrial cancer


  • Adílson Cunha Ferreira Núcleo de Ensino em Radiologia e Diagnóstico por Imagem(NERDI) e Instituto de Diagnóstico por Imagem de Ribeirão Preto (IDI)
  • Pedro Pires Faculdade De Ciências Médicas Universidade De Pernambuco
  • Rejane Maria Ferlin Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Paraná


endometrial câncer, transvaginal ultrasound, IETA statement


Endometrial cancer is one of the most frequent gynecologic cancers in the world and occupies the 4th place among malignant neoplasms of the female population. Endometrial assessment by transvaginal ultrasound (TVS) may have clinical relevance in screening for endometrial cancer. However, the lack of standardization of terms and definitions used to describe the findings of endometrial ultrasound and uterine cavity made meta-analysis of studies with small populations of little value. For this reason, in 2008, Ultrasound World Congress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology held in Chicago (USA), it was formed the International Group of Endometrial Tumors Analysis - IETA. The IETA statement is a consensus on terms, definitions and measures that can be used to describe aspects of the endometrium and the uterine cavity by the US in grayscale, Doppler analysis and hysterosonography. The terms and definitions IETA may form the basis for prospective studies in order to predict the risk of endometrial different diseases based on its ultrasonographic appearance. This article presents a review of literature on the role of ultrasound as endometrial cancer suspicion tool taking into account the definitions and measures recommended by the IETA Statement.



How to Cite

Ferreira AC, Pires P, Ferlin RM. Ultrasonographic aspects in endometrial cancer. RBUS [Internet]. 2016 Sep. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];(21):36-40. Available from: https://revistarbus.sbus.org.br/rbus/article/view/128