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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The journal will accept original material for publication in the field related to ultrasound. The magazine will publish:

    1. Complete original articles whether prospective, experimental or retrospective. 2. Reports of cases of great interest as long as they are well documented clinically and laboratory. 3. Special issues with proceedings, collections of works presented at Brazilian congresses sponsored by SBUS and supplements with works dealing with topics of great interest. 4. Review articles, including meta-analyses and editorial comments, upon invitation, when requested from members of the editorial board.
  • All material sent will be analyzed by the magazine's Editorial Board made up of: magazine and newspaper editors, editorial board, associate editors, collaborators and assistants, with reviewers being prohibited from identifying the authors or the service where the work was developed, as well as the Reviewers will not be identified by the authors, except when requested by them. Upon receipt, articles will be dated and coded and their authors will be notified of receipt. Articles that do not meet editorial standards will be rejected at this stage. Those that are in agreement will be sent to two reviewers appointed by the Editor. Authors will be informed of acceptance and any modifications suggested by the Editorial Board. When modifications are requested, authors must return the corrected work within 15 days, and must justify if any suggestion is not accepted.
  • The Editorial Board follows the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and we recommend that authors of submitted articles comply with the ethical committee and fulfill regulatory and legal requirements for human experimentation with drugs, including informed consent, in accordance with the necessary procedures at your institution or country. All patient information must be anonymous, in particular, check that the patient's identification number and name have been removed from the ultrasound photos. For more details, access the ethics and research committee website (ão/ética/conep.htm).
  • The intellectual content of the works is of total responsibility of their authors. The Editorial Board does not assume no responsibility for the opinions or authors' statements. Every effort will be made by the Body Editorial to avoid incorrect or inaccurate data. THE number of authors must be limited to six.
  • Authors will send copies along with sets of figures, photos or tables and keep a copy for reference. The text must identify an author as the correspondent to whom journal notifications will be sent. It must contain full name, institution, unit, department, city, state, country, link to CV Lattes, ORCID number of all authors and full address, telephone number and email of the person responsible for the work. The absence of one or more data will result in the work not being accepted in advance by the RBUS Editorial Board. Works must be sent to the email or
  • Articles must be typed double-spaced and must contain the following topics: title (Portuguese and English), abstract (Portuguese and English), introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments and references. Each topic must start on a new page. Case reports must be structured into: summary, introduction, case report, discussion, conclusion and references. The first page must include: title, first and last name of authors (maximum of 6 (six) authors per article) and their affiliation, titles (no more than 20 letters), keywords (5-8) and email address . The second page must contain the title of the manuscript in the header and care must be taken in the rest of the text so that the service or authors cannot be identified (suppressed).
  • The summary of original articles must be divided into sections containing information that allows the reader to have a general idea of ​​the article, divided into the following topics: objectives, methods, results and conclusions. It should not exceed 250 words. The summary of case reports must be in a single paragraph. An English version of the abstract and key words must be provided.
  • Abbreviations must be in capital letters and do not use a period after the letters, e.g. US and not U.S.. Statistical analyzes must be detailed in the topic regarding methods. The use of footers will not be permitted, except in tables. The Editorial Board reserves the right to change manuscripts whenever necessary to adapt them to the journal's bibliographic style.
  • References must be numbered consecutively as they appear in the text and then in figures and tables if necessary, cited in superscript numerals, e.g.: “Recent work on the effect of ultrasound22 shows that...”. All references must be cited at the end of the article following the information below: 1. et al. is not used. All authors of the article must be cited. 2. Abbreviations in medical journals must follow the Index Meddicus format. 3. Unpublished works, articles in preparation or personal communications should not be used as references. When absolutely necessary, only cite them in the text. 4. Do not use articles that are difficult or restricted for readers to access, selecting the most relevant or recent ones. 5. The accuracy of the reference data is the responsibility of the authors. References must follow the Vancouver style as in the examples below:

    Newspaper articles: Cook CM, Ellwood DA. A longitudinal study of the cervix in pregnancy using transvaginal ultrasound. Br J ObstetGynaecol 1966;103:16-8.

    In press: Wyon DP. Thermal comfort during surgical operations. J Hyg Camb;in press (insert the current year).

    Article in edited book: Speroff L, Glass RH, Kase NG. In Mitchell C, ed. Clinical Gynecologic Endocrinology and Infertility. Baltimore, USA: Williams & Wilkins, 1994:1-967.

    Articles in electronic media: In the case of materials consulted virtually, the date of consultation, access link and DOI (if available) must be provided: Wyon DP, Lidwell OM, Williams RE. Thermal comfort during surgical operations. J Hyg (London) [Internet]. Jun 1968 [Cited 27 Mar 2024];66(2):229-48. Available at: doi: 10.1017/s0022172400041103. Note: The title and subtitle of articles must be in their original language.
  • All illustrations must be identified with the name of the main author and figure number. All illustrations must be cited in the text and numbered according to appearance, e.g.: figure 3.


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